Sunday, October 25, 2009

Party Weekend

Saturday Lexi and I headed up to Massachusetts for my friend Laura's daughter's first birthday. Because I was making the round trip in one day, I decided to leave the boys at home with Luis since 4 hours in a car is not something I wanted to subject them to. Lexi slept almost the whole ride up and immediately got busy exploring Laura's house once we arrived. Abby was in her Halloween costume (a peanut, which is what they call her), as were some of the other kids. I knew Lexi wouldn't have kept hers on for very long, so I didn't even bother trying.

We stayed a couple of hours, but once Lexi started getting tired, headed out. We stopped at my parent's house for a few minutes to visit, but my mom was feeling really sick (was actually in bed when we got there around 1:30), so we didn't stay long. Luckily, Lexi slept almost the entire ride home as well.

The boys went to visit Lou's folks while we were out, so they had a good time as well.

Today the boys went to a birthday party for one of the kids in Jackson's Preschool room. They had it at MyGym and the kids had a lot of fun. I stayed home with Lexi while she napped and headed to BJs for a shopping trip once she woke up. The boys were full of excitement and stories when I returned so I got to hear all about how much fun they had.

Both boys acted up quite a bit all weekend, for reasons that escape me, but I'm hoping they were just a little overtired and that they will be back to normal soon.

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