Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Jackson!

Wow - 3 years went by in the blink of an eye.  It seems like just yesterday when then placed you on my stomach and you promptly pooped on me.  Ahhh....the memories :-)

We celebrated with the family today - everyone came to celebrate Jackson's 3rd birthday.  It was great to see everyone and the kids all had a blast playing together.  The food from Pazzo's was excellent, as always - we couldn't have asked for a nicer day.  Unfortunately, Poppa Marques was feeling under the weather, but was still able to come celebrate.

Jackson got all kinds of great new toys to play with and some really cute outfits (for me to play with LOL).

Bryan was nice enough to walk around in the basement with us, giving us some ideas/suggestions/opinions on some of the things we are looking to do down there, which was nice.  Made us think of a few things that we hadn't considered which is always a good thing - gets the imagination going.

One of the cutest things that happened all day was that Lexi fed Tyler.  Well...sort of.  Tyler had finished his dinner and had gotten out of the booster chair.  We put Lexi in and was feeding her some ham and orange melon.  Tyler pulled himself up and was standing next to the booster chair looking up at Lexi and she started feeding him melon!  She would grab a piece and put it in Tyler's open mouth.  It was absolutely hysterical and went on for a little while.  Now that is what I call sharing :-)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Jackson! Can't believe I missed it. NO BRAIN LEFT. :sigh:

    Too cute, Lexi feeding Tyler. :)
