Saturday, May 1, 2010

Haircut and Attitudes

Lexi has been peeing on the potty at least once a day which is pretty awesome.  Less awesome is the fit she throws after I determine that she has run around naked long enough and needs to put a diaper on before having some kind of accident on the floor.

Today we took the kids to pick out a tree to plant in the back yard.  Lexi threw a fit as we were leaving the first place we stopped at since she didn't want to get into her carseat.  So she was very quiet during the ride to Home Depot.  Luis thought she was falling asleep, but I said, "no, she's just mad at mommy".  I turned around to look at her and said, "right -you're just mad at mommy" and damn if she didn't look at me and then roll her eyes.  Luis saw it too and busted out laughing.  Seriously - at 18 months she's going to start rolling her eyes at me??  Neither of the boys have picked up that lovely attitude (yet).  Is it a girl thing?

Lexi finally had her first haircut on Thursday.  The ends kept getting tangled, so I wanted her to get a trim.  She looks adorable and even though I can't get the ponytails even, at least she has graduated to 2 (verses the one that made her look like a unicorn).

Nicolas is almost done his latest round of antibiotics for strep.  I swear someone in this house is always on medicine for something!  This is the third bout of strep Nicolas has had this year.  Its like a bad penny that keeps turning up.

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