Saturday, December 26, 2009

Not Exactly the Christmas I Dreamed of

In my head there was laughter, fun, toys, smiles and lots of playing.

In reality, it started with with Jackson puking in his bed at 6:15 in the morning.  Then again as we opened stocking gifts.  Then again as we opened gifts from Lou's sister's family. Then again....well, you get the picture.

As if that wasn't joyful enough, around 10:00am Nicolas joined in the fun.  Of course, the benefit of having a sick child who is a little older is that he usually makes it to the bathroom/toilet before actually puking, which is different from a 3 year old who just pukes on the floor wherever he happens to be standing.

So both boys walked around with "puke pails" (sand buckets that Luis washed out for them) all day.  There was limited playing and as the day wore on both boys got more and more wiped out.  Jackson stopped vomiting shortly after lunch and took a nice long nap.  Nicolas also took a nice long nap, but continued throwing up all day.

My parents did come down to celebrate with us (Christmas, not the puking) and felt so bad for the boys (as we all did).  But we did have a nice Christmas lunch/dinner (at least the adults did) and some time to visit (in between the million loads of laundry I was doing).

Poor Nicolas got sick one final time after going to bed - and he was so worn out that he didn't even wake up or realize he had vomited in his bed.  I went in to check on him and discovered the vomit covered bed and pjs.  Luckily that was the last time he got sick and he seemed to sleep through the night pretty well.

On a happier note, the boys did get a lot of really great things and seemed to be very excited by everything.  Lexi was more interested in playing with the boys' toys than anything she got, with maybe the exception of her new pink plasma car. I got a sticker maker that I really wanted for scrapbooking and my parents also gave us a gift card for a nice restaurant that we love here in town, as well as the latest Harry Potter DVD.  Score!

1 comment:

  1. oh MAN! Not an ideal Christmas, eh? I'm so sorry the boys were sick. :(
