Saturday, July 30, 2005
Birthday gathering
Friday, July 29, 2005
Rule Breaker
Yesterday was fairly uneventful except that Vovo was able to get Nicolas to nap (very briefly - about 20 minutes) on his back. That is pretty unusual and I was glad that he did sleep for a bit on his back, but of course he always sleeps better/longer on his tummy. 4 months old and he is already "breaking the rules". Something tells me we are going to be in real trouble when he gets older!
Still not sleeping peacefully at night. I spent 2 hours sleeping in the rocker/recliner and Lou spent an hour. It is just easier to stay in there than go back and forth between bedrooms. He did have some gas - not sure what I ate that caused that - poor thing. Still hasn't pooped since Tuesday morning, so I am sure that may be making him uncomfortable. Poor daycare - I suspect he is going to have a "code brown" while he is there today!
Monday, July 25, 2005
Fooling Mommy
Sunday Louie spent most of the morning playing with Nicolas while I grocery shopped and did some work outside. Then it was time to switch off and Luis got to "play" outside while I played with Nicolas. It was great teamwork.
Nicolas loved his rattle socks - he kept trying to put them in his mouth. He started doing something strange during feedings this weekend. He will nurse for a while, then he will start sucking his fist, then he nurses some more and so on. It is getting difficult for me to figure out if he is done eating. And he also started looking up at me and occasionally smiling while eating. It is like he has a private joke going on in his head. I think it is teething related since as soon as I try to "shut off the tap" he cries and wants more. He also started biting my finger this weekend, so I am chalking it all up to teething.
Friday, July 22, 2005
We all scream for ice cream
This afternoon was the Parent's Ice Cream Social at Nic's daycare. We got to meet some of the parents of the other infants and Lou got to eat some delicious Edy's ice cream. Since Nicolas still doesn't seem to do well when I eat ice cream, I ate a cookie instead. It was nice to get together with the other families in a social setting.Nicolas was again only interested in daddy during dinnertime. He kept faking a cough so that Luis would look at him. Me, on the other hand, could have left the room and he wouldn't have cared. It just means I get to eat my dinner in peace :-)
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Chatty drooler
Not sure what is going on, but last night Nicolas was very restless again. I slept in the rocker/recliner from about 2-3 this morning since I was tired of going back and forth between the nursery and our room. I woke him up a bit earlier than usual (4:45) to see if he would be less restless once I fed him. He decided that it was a good time to have a nice long chat while I was changing his diaper. I am sure Luis loved that as he was still trying to get some sleep and I hadn't turned off the monitor.
Nicolas is enjoying his bathtime more and more. What a relief - in the beginning he HATED his bath. Now he loves to splash Luis with his feet. By the end of bathtime, Luis and I are almost as wet as the baby!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Our little Peanut
Last night a friend came over for dinner and we ate pizza. I haven't had pizza in ages because every time I ate it in the past it gave Nicolas a lot of gas. But I figured it was time to try again since it had been months. Last night Nicolas was a little restless and definitely had some gas, but it wasn't nearly as bad as before. I figure in another month we should be in the clear (I hope!)
Monday, July 18, 2005
Haunted by cheesecake
Nicolas had a very restless night. He seemed to sleep ok, but was very restless and squirmy all night. I certainly didn't get much sleep. He had a lot of gas all night/morning. I even got up around 4:30 to feed him a little to see if that would help him sleep better. He did for a little while, but continued to squirm. I slept in the rocker for about an hour and then Luis slept in it for about an hour after I came back to bed. Easier than having to continually go into the nursery to help pacify the little guy. So, I think we are all pretty tired this morning.
Today was music class at Daycare and Nicolas loved it. Mary Lou (one of his teachers) said he didn't take his eyes of Kathye, the woman playing the music. Nicolas was kind enough to save a "code brown" (poopy diaper that requires a change of clothing) for me as soon as we got home.
He is "talking" more and more these days. He is also really enjoying playing with his toes/feet.Tomorrow is his 4 month birthday and checkup. Hopefully he won't cry too much when he gets his shots.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Bed, shmed
The reception after at the Shafman house was a lot of fun. Nicolas got to see his friends (Kayla, Emma, CJ, Ava, Andrew) and had a great day. He even took a nice long nap on Kayla's floor.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Cultivating a green thumb
We put in a new garden today out by the stone wall. It is the biggest garden yet and took almost all day to clear the land and till the soil. We had lots of help from Momma and Poppa Marques. Poppa Marques kept an eye on Nicolas for most of the day so we could concentrate on getting the garden area dug up. Once Vovo ran out of bottles, I went in and fed the little guy and Vovo helped dig holes and transport sod. It was definitely a team effort and all the help was much appreciated. We were able to plant most of the larger plantings and now the rest just needs to be filled in.
Everyone was tired at the end of the day and we all went to bed exhausted.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Morning Mommy!
Today was sprinkler day at daycare. Nicolas splashed his hands in the water, drank all his bottles which are now 5 oz. and had a three hour nap. Wish I had one of those! Nicolas was very talkative and happy when I picked him up from daycare. Makes me feel better about bringing him there - he must like it since he always seems happy when I get there. Course, I'm quite pleased when he seems so happy to see me at the end of the day :-)
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Splish Splash
1. His adorable little feet
2. How to splash in the tub
Nicolas had fun playing with with Vovo (grandpa Marques) all day today. During one of my short breaks I went downstairs to give the little guy a kiss and he was laying in the Pack N Play holding his little feet looking quite pleased with himself.
After work he was very playful - lots of big gummy smiles and laughter. Luis and I gave him a bath right before dinner and as we were getting ready to take him out of the tub he learned the fun of splashing with his feet and ended up splashing water all over Louie and himself. Not sure he knew exactly what was going on as he had a bewildered look on his face, but it was hilarious to watch.
How I love the sweet smell of a nice clean baby...
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Daycare, Day 2
Tomorrow he spends the day with Vo vo (grandpa).